DigiTech BP355 Bass Multi-Effects Pedal (BP355V)

DigiTech BP90 Bass Multi-Effects Pedal (BP90V)

DigiTech Control2 Foot Controller (691991201332)

Digitech Hardwire Series Sc-2 Valve Distortion Pedal

Digitech JamMan Effects Pedal - Blue (JammanStereo)

DigiTech JMSXT JamMan Solo XT Stereo Looper Pedal (JMSXT01)

Digitech RP1000 PEDAL PAK (RP1000PP)

Digitech RP500 Modeling Guitar Processor (691991201363)

DigiTech RP55 Multi-Effects Guitar Pedal

DigiTech Vocalist Live 5 Vocal Harmony Processor (691991202131)

DigiTech Whammy DT Pitch Controller Pedal with Drop Tuning (691991202537)

Digitech Whammy Pitch-Shifting Guitar Effects Pedal (WHAMMY5)

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by Digi-Tech. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the Digi-Tech brand over time.