Groove Tube SAG MHG Marshall High Gain Preamp Tube Changing Kit (736021141018)

Groove Tube Series GT ECC83 S Preamp Tube (736021123915)

Groove Tube Series GT-EL84-R Matched Power Tubes, Low (1-3 Rating) Duet (GTEL84RDUETLOW)

Groove Tubes 6V6-C Quartett

Groove Tubes Gold Series GT-6L6-S Matched Power Tubes (GT6L6SDUETHIGH)

Groove Tubes Gold Series GT-6L6S DUET HIGH #10 (GT6V6RDUETMED)

Groove Tubes Groove Tube Gold Series GT EL34 M Matched Power Tubes, Medium (4 7 GT Rating) Duet

Groove Tubes GT 12AT7 Guitar Amplifier Tube (687201010603)

Groove Tubes Gt Select Preamp Tube G

Groove Tubes GT-6L6-GED Duet Matched Power Tubes Low (GT6L6GEDL)

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by Groove Tubes. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the Groove Tubes brand over time.