Rotosound Bs66 Billy Sheehan Bass Strings (686194002176)

Rotosound DZ10 Dark Zone (RODZ10)

Rotosound FM66 Swing Bass 66 Stainless Steel Funkmaster Bass Guitar Strings (30 50 70 90) (686194002794)

Rotosound JK11 Acoustic Guitar (686194000592)

Rotosound JK12 Acoustic Guitar (686194000608)

Rotosound RDB66LC Swing Bass 66 Stainless Steel Double Ball End Bass Guitar Strings (RORDB66LC)

Rotosound RH10 Nickel Light /Heavy Bottom Electric Guitar Strings (10 13 17 30 42 52) (241085)

Rotosound Roto Yellows Double Deckers Electric Guitar Strings 2-Pack (R102)

Rotosound RS(4000M Superb Nylon/Monel Flatwound Double Bass Set (686194000806)

Rotosound RS665LB (257230)

Rotosound Rs665ld Roundwound 5-String Bass Strings (686194000189)

Rotosound RS666LD Swing Bass 66 Stainless Steel 6 String Bass Guitar Strings (35 45 65 80 105 130) (686194000219)

Rotosound Rs66el EXtra Long Scale Bass Strings (686194000264)

Rotosound RS66LA Swing Bass 66 Stainless Steel Bass Guitar Strings (30 50 65 85) (686194000066)

Rotosound Rs66lc Swing Bass 4-String Set 40-95 (686194000080)

Rotosound RS66LD Long Scale Swing 66 Bass Strings (257180)

Rotosound RS66LDN Nickel Bass Guitar Strings (45 65 85 105) (257185)

Rotosound RS66LE Swing Bass 66 Stainless Steel Bass Guitar Strings (50 70 85 110) (686194000141)

Rotosound Sm77 Jazz Bass Strings (686194000288)

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by Rotosound. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the Rotosound brand over time.