Tech 21 Character Series CS-BL.2 Blond V2 Guitar Distortion Effect Pedal (CSBLV2)

Tech 21 Character Series CS-LIV.2 Liverpool V2 Guitar Distortion Effect Pedal (CSLIVV2)

Tech 21 Character Series CS-VTB.2 VT Bass V2 Bass EXpression Effect Pedal

Tech 21 CHR-B Boost Chorus Bass Effect Pedal (BassBoostChorus)

Tech 21 Midi Moose (206121)

Tech 21 SansAmp Character Series VT Bass Deluxe Distortion Effects Pedal (CSVTDLX)

Tech 21 Sansamp Psa-1.1 Amp Simulator (837088001632)

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by Tech 21. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the Tech 21 brand over time.