The Box 15LB100-8W Ersatzspeaker 15"

The Box M1220 MkII (4047371965923)

The Box MA1520 Mkii (4047371965954)

The Box the box PA202A

The Box the box PA502

The Box the box pro 204 U-Bracket horizontal (4049172694408)

The Box the box pro 206 U-Bracket horizontal (4049172833111)

The Box the box pro 206 U-Bracket vertical (4049172833128)

The Box THE BOX PRO ACHAT 108 CX (4049172145245)

The Box THE BOX PRO ACHAT 112 SUB (4049172145276)

The Box the box pro Achat 115 M U-Bracket (4049172588158)

The Box THE BOX PRO ACHAT 215 (4049172305144)

The Box the box pro Achat 404 MKII

The Box the box pro Achat 404 MKII WH

The Box the box pro CMR608 (5420035210178)

The Box the box pro MPLT 32

The Box the box pro TP218/1600 MKIII (4049172305168)

The Box the box Speaker 12-280/8-W

MPN = Manufacturer Product Code
UPC = Unique (or Universal) Product Code

These are historic prices for products by The Box. Follow the links above to see a product's price history, including lowest, highest and average prices, from the The Box brand over time.